I watched Dead Snow the other day, thanks to Ben’s recommendation in the comments. It’s definitely not a movie to be taken seriously, in a good way. It’s one of those sit-back-and-enjoy-some-zombie-gore-and-humor movies. The plot and comedy weren’t as well executed as Shaun of the Dead , but there were parts that made me chuckle, despite how contrived the situation was (who has a gatling gun stored away in their snowmobile?).
What I found most interesting was the concept of Nazi zombies. Seems to me that the Nazi aspect was only added so that people could say “Cool! Nazi zombies!” because the zombies could have been anything and it would’ve been the same movie. But, it wasn’t the Nazi thing that interested me. The idea of intelligent zombies was what caught me. The zombies in Dead Snow were able to ambush, use weapons, hesitate, assess situations, and they even obeyed a zombie leader who was able to plan attacks and strategize (strength in numbers is a strategy, right?).
The concept of self-aware, intelligent zombies is something that I’d like to delve deeper into! Anybody know of any more movies that feature zombies that can think?
Thanks for the recommendation, Ben!
Enjoy Scene 8 – “Joe Awakens”!
Have a great weekend! :D
Oh, I dunno… “Day Of The Dead” seems like a pretty obvious one? And “Land Of The Dead” even more so?
@Sam – Thanks! I’ll have to watch those! Or, re-watch because I can’t remember which “… of the Dead” movies I’ve seen :)
Well, it’s not a movie, but Cell by Stephen King has something like that.
It isn’t a game but I Resident Evil 4 and 5 had semi-intelligent zombies. If you can’t play them I guess you can watch walkthroughs or Lets Play videos on youtube.
The next update is going to be interesting. Joe isn’t a sympathetic character so far but he is rightly pissed and will need to be pacified, and I’m guessing violence won’t work.
On that first panel I had to hit back to make sure I didn’t miss something.
Oh, and half of my request was fulfilled. Awesome.
I think I am Legend (the novel) had intelligent zombies, but I am Legend (the film) definitely did not.
A whole lot of things got lost in translation for that movie :/
@Takorii- I am Legend the Book was totaly about Vampires
And I totaly agree I liked the end of the movie alot more than I liked the book
Those movies of intelligent zombies remind me of a dream I once had… Strangely enough I wasn’t in it… It was about how some weird spatial cloud had enveloped Earth in a black rain that destroyed nearly all life… Many escaped the deadly rain and one refugee managed only to get hit by a single drop in his hand… A few years later his hand was purple and dead, and the goverment was launching an experimental liquid to cancel out the effects of the rain and the man was hopeful it could cure him as well; only it started bringing everything back to unlife you could call it… He became half zombie, with his body deteriorating and most organs malfunctioning, but his mind completely intact! He gathered up a team of humans to fight the zombie mutants, always hiding his physical status with long dressrobes, gloves, cloaks, and a silver mask from his followers… This last bit over 3000 years after the black cloud originally came to Earth… Yikes I wrote too much! Hope I didn’t bore you…
Land of the dead is the one where the zombies realise they can walk underwater isn’t it? I loved that scene…
If you like anime High school of the Dead is one of the best zombie tv shows ive ever seen. Even though theres a fair amount of fan service, the zombies and action scenes are really realistic. Its basically about a group of survivors who also happen to all be from the same high school. Its pretty intense because right off the bat the main character has to kill his best friend, and they have to deal with adult survivors trying to take advantage of them. I love it, you should check it out.
The zombies arent exactly intelligent, but they do have a very interesting “gimmick” or “rule” to them. its worth checking out
Hey, could you e-mail me on how to make buttons like that? I wanted to make a flash thingy like that on another site, but I figured asking you might be easier than looking up tutorials for a while. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to, but I would appreicate it. I use Adobe Flash CS3, but I’m sure whatever you use is similar to it. Thanks!
Sorry for posing twice, but I wanted to be more specific:
I meant on how to pause the Flash and then resume after the button is pushed, I looked up on how to make buttons, but not there. I have access to both Actionscript 2.0 and 3.0.
Ok I gotta ask, why are they becoming so short man? In the beginning they were nice and long, also I like clicking go between each clip of speech. I have a hard time reading as fast as it skips to the next one sometimes. Just my thoughts is all. Others might not be as slow, and some may be slower than me.
Thanks for the suggestions and recommendations, everyone! I have a lot to watch (and read) :D
@Elementalpowerstar – Sure, I can post how I did the buttons :) It’s super easy! I also use Adobe Flash CS3. I have also been asked to do a tutorial for isometric text, so maybe I’ll post the two together.
@Zion Wolfblood – Sorry! Yeah, some scenes will be shorter than others, depending on the scene situation and how much time I have to make the scene (work and life get in the way, of course!). But, I hope to post 3 scenes a week that are each as long or longer than a standard “webcomic page” :) As for the speech buttons, when an animation needs to play in the background, I can’t have the scene pause for text :( I try to make the text stay on-screen for 3 seconds, but I can see how this may not be enough for longer text. Thanks for the suggestions and I’ll keep them in mind! :D
@EvilEarl- I did the exact same thing. I was like “Woah, when did he get a gun?”
Is your RSS feed working? I tried to subscribe and it wouldn’t load… :(
Sorry to hear that! The feed seems to work for me. I’m using Mac’s Mail app and it’s feeding from http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePocalypse .
Can you send me your details, so I can try and replicate and fix your issue?
Thanks for letting me know :D Anybody else having this problem?
Absolutely incredible post.
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