Great Start to 2021! | January 4, 2021

by Joe

I tried finishing Cobra Kai season 3 in one day but, unfortunately, my advanced age and family responsibilities forced me to finish it in two D: Sure, I have no more Cobra Kai now but I have no regrets! The callbacks, the returning characters, the cheesy dialogue, all the sweet nostalgia – I loved it all :D

I hate having to wait a year (or more) for more episodes but at least there’s more entertainment on the way. WandaVision better be good. WW84 was not. Not good at all.

Enjoy Scene 25 – “Answered Prayers”! Thank you to Sol for supporting The Pocalypse by becoming a Patreon Patron! Check out his sprite in the Patreon Bar and feel free to join him here!

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Tio Ba
Tio Ba
4 years ago

Hey Joe! Happy new years to you and all my fellow pocalypsians (quoting shalidar haha)! May 2021 be more kind to all of us.

4 years ago

Another great scene Joe! Great to see my little guy on the sprite bar! :D

Pablo Atristain
Pablo Atristain
4 years ago

@Joe あけましておめでとう.
I finished the whole season 3 in one sit, but really enjoyed it, but I’m really worried because the kids are turning from bullies into criminals.
I completely forgot about Stingray, but didn’t miss him at all.
Too bad for Aisha, though. I really liked her.

4 years ago

Typo: He’d take [s]to[/s] you to another….