Must… Not… Rotten… Tomatoes… | December 17, 2019

by Joe

I really did enjoy the last two Star Wars movies as I was watching them in theatres. Even as the credits rolled by, I thought they were great. Then… I was swayed by the controversy and all the mixed reviews – particularly the angry fanboys on YouTube. I can’t re-watch them without the tainted, yet perfectly sensible (most of the time), criticism that has been burned into my mind, thus altering my initial opinion.

I want that same initial enjoyment with Rise of Skywalker this Friday. I’m going to stay away from early reviews and Rotten Tomatoes and just go into a movie fresh, for once. Then I’ll go on YouTube and ruin it again :D

Also, is it really Christmas next week? What?

Enjoy Scene 25- “My Plants”!

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5 years ago

Adrian sure proved him wrong. :v

5 years ago

Why do i have a feeling we’re going to have another “Victor” situation on our hands?

5 years ago

My goodness Joe, you always know how to keep us coming back for more!

5 years ago

FUCK that was satisfying

5 years ago

YES! I’ve always believed Rosa was more powerful than the thinks she is. That’s a good example of it right there. Not even Joe could fight Simon off like that.

5 years ago

Yep, avoiding those reviews and videos like the plague. That’s a good idea. And then… come to the dark side…

I haven’t read The Pocalypse in a while. Now I’m all caught up again. This is quite the climax, I’ve gotta make sure to tune in for the next update.

Tio Ba
Tio Ba
5 years ago

I sure missed this song! Adrian got his revenge and Rosa proved to have greater mind strength (?) than Joe. What an episode, my friends. I wonder… Will Samuel allow one of his strongest minds die so easily? Do we have to worry about a second Victor flying around from mind to mind? Is Jane really dead? Shit that is an intense way to end 2019. Also @Joe I’ve seen your tweet about the movie and now I’m the one afraid to watch it haha

5 years ago

Wow, what a scene. Thanks for the early christmas present!

5 years ago

Woah, when did you change your avatar Joe? I’ve been away for a while and I’ve noticed the change now.

5 years ago

If I remember well Rosa:
• is a vampire zombie hybrid
• for some reason she’s resistant to zombification so it has no side effects for her
• her vampiric abilities come from an elder
• she drank some of Joe’s blood which made her even stronger
• on top of all that she was plantified (is that even a word?)

No wonder she’s so powerful. And yet she barely managed to defeat that guy while having a territory full of plants, psychic-proof helmet, plant-dog and a man with a funky gun on her side.

Now she only needs a mutant body with laser guns.

5 years ago

Flash will end at the end of 2020. What will you do for the parts that are in flash?

Tio Ba
Tio Ba
5 years ago

Hello Joe and fellow Pocalypsians. I hope you’re all having great times with your friends and families! I wish to everyone a happy 2020, and may we all be able to make our dreams come true on this next year.

5 years ago

What’s happening?

5 years ago

Phew. Had me there for a second!

TLJ was good, critically and other-wise, no matter what the fanboys say. Perfect? No. But good.