Quick Update! :D | March 2, 2014

by Joe

Made it! Thanks for waiting, everyone! Time for sleep :D

Enjoy Scene 22 – “I’m No Hero”! Dedicated to Tio Ba for being awesome! :D

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10 years ago

Wow, Joe you always have a way with suspense. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

Rasmus Nielsen
Rasmus Nielsen
10 years ago

LoL at the scream sound XD

Anyhow, great scene, though I must admit I look forward to something more happening, it’s starting to feel a bit like the filler episodes in Dragon Ball Z. No offense meant.

I hope everythings well with you Joe :)

10 years ago

Dat scream doe.

Also, good thing Bernie’s not a genius or anything, or Jake would have some problems… Wait a minute, wrong way around.

Robert Nava
Robert Nava
10 years ago

Good job joe! I was finally waiting for the next scene.

10 years ago

@Joe – When will go back to greybanes story?

PS. Greybane is one of my favorite characters in TP :P

10 years ago

Just a suggestion but why not do a soap opera style “previously on the Pocalypse” to show people what happend in the last few episodes to recap because these lengthy gaps make me forget some of the story,could be like a few mini clips of the most suspenseful moments in a little 20second montage,just an idea.

10 years ago

*most suspenseful moments of the last few episodes*

10 years ago

Great work, as always. Don’t let the others rush you with the story, you tell it at the pace it needs to have.

10 years ago

i would hate that, wayne.
make it optional, maybe.
but it would cause joe to take more time inbetween updates to compose, probably.

10 years ago

So when will the next chapter be out

10 years ago

@Sebastian next month…. sadly

10 years ago

Those exist every chapter, at the end, as recaps for what has happened recently, although more as a talk show than operatic style. that could be interesting. looking at the scene number, I think we may be near the end of this one (either that, or right in the middle of it, looking at previous chapter scene counts)

10 years ago

Just to lighten things up
How do you prevent Bull from charging? Take away its credit card. If that wasn’t enough heres this
Can April March? No but April May, You may think that wasn’t punny, but July. And finally…
A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won’t tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess. The dad said, “Well it’s what Mommy calls me sometimes.” The little girl screamed to her brother, “Don’t eat it. Its an asshole!

impatient reader
impatient reader
10 years ago

omg this helped waiting for the next update so much

10 years ago

Ok, first of all you’re not helping anybody, secondly, I am just trying to bring something back and brighten the mood. Obviously you know nothing about being happy or having fun, because most people don’t consider fun, coming on to a website and being an asshole.

Jason Splendor the Fabulous
Jason Splendor the Fabulous
10 years ago

His sarcasm may have been rude, but insulting him like that and leaving such an angry comment did nothing more to contribute to lighten this up. In fact, I feel that it did the exact opposite.

The Khan
The Khan
10 years ago

Only just came back after forgetting about this completely. Was watching The Walking Dead and The Pocalypse just popped into my head. :) It’s awesome you’re releasing more. Can’t wait for more. :P

10 years ago

Joe was that your scream lol

10 years ago

Whatever happened to Andrius and Cross? Probably a long pause so we don’t need to watch several scenes of ocean travel but I’m curious how they’re doing.
Also, I was convinced the soldier returning home was Bernard Sr’s flashback until this scene… now I’m terrified and curious! NH is in trouble if this guy makes it back!

10 years ago

I just realized something, they have arcade games in Bernies house.

10 years ago

Hi everyone.
Some can say me whats up with The Pocalipse defense 2?

10 years ago

Unicorns dont exist,therefore there is no game! RUN FOR THE HILLS JOE IS TELLING PORK PIES!

10 years ago

No JOE! Dont compare TPD2 to DNF! That game bombed when it finally came out remember? Even hard core fans of the Duke hated it. You just laid a mighty jinx upon your head!

10 years ago

Thanks for the fast answer Joe, I am glad to hear that it is still in development and not canceled.

Tio Ba
Tio Ba
10 years ago

MAAAN!! thanks a lot! Awesome scene by the way!

10 years ago

I’m dropping this series. The plot is semi-interesting and the release schedule is horribly slow. It had a good run though.

The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
10 years ago

Joe…this is an incredibly important thing…I feel it’s been on everyone’s mind since it first happened. We have a right to know…what’s the recipe to Rosa’s tacos?

The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
10 years ago

I sure would hope so :D

The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
10 years ago

Oh yeah, I just remembered, Bernie mentioned things underwater, and since I decided to read from the beginning to now, I just saw the giant underwater shadow when that guy who Cross and Andy tricked, and will there be any underwater arcs or something?

10 years ago

I think I am done too. You are losing fans quick, and I am not going to wait months for
this to come out.

10 years ago

Up to you, but I think you will eventually come back and read what you have missed, because this series is still worth reading no matter how slow updates are ;)

On a different note, I’m not sure if I’d try tacos made by Rosa now… she might have developed a different concept of taste :P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_%28food%29

10 years ago

Well, it’s been about a year since I last checked this….. The 6 new updates look great. Guess if I remember this exists in another year I’ll come back for 6 more.

I have said it before, it’s a good story but at this rate, it’s not worth looking into but maybe once a year. Sorry Joe, if you could find a way to update more often that would be great. But I understand your busy, this isn’t your life, it’s a hobby.

The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
The Fabulous Fabric Fallacy
10 years ago

In any case, I appear to be eating tacos today :D

10 years ago

i thought what happened to annika was the worst thing that ever happened. then i watched the himym finale. joe, you’re not even close to being that cruel. keep being you, man

10 years ago

Today is my birthday. Present: awesome Pocalypse T-Shirt.

10 years ago

Man… Joe, we know that you have a really busy life… But you are losing fans. Really. Find a way to speed up the series or just tell us it is over.

10 years ago

Please, don’t speak for everyone in here. “Find a way to speed up the series or just tell us it is over”? I’d rather be content with a new scene every six month than seeing this series over before its natural conclusion. If you don’t want to follow The Pocalypse anymore that’s your choice, but please don’t ask Author Joe to give up with his webcomic if he cannot accomplish to release updates more often.

10 years ago

A little tip from your elders people.

“I want doesnt get”

A quote from my elders,long story short if you keep pestering joe it will make him more determined NOT to make a scene (probably). I know i wouldn’t anyways till a little gratitude came my way!

Dwisp McBea
Dwisp McBea
10 years ago

Joe, don’t listen to the nay-sayers. Do the story at your pace, however long it takes. Keep up the good work.

10 years ago

Author Joe, don’t worry about people who leave the comic over lack of updates. Yes, whilst you lose fans, you also know that you are putting the best scenes you can out on the internet. As a long time fan, I don’t mind that we have large waits between updates. All I want to see is this comic as good as it can be.

10 years ago

Joe you should make this this into a movie or like a full blown retail game (maybe on steam green light)one that follows the story like rpg styled game or something. (and I’m saying this only having read only up to ch.2)

10 years ago

*3 I meant 3

10 years ago

Wow, I’m just realizing that at the rate this comic is going, there will only be 8 updates in a year (2 new comics in 3 months, 1 year = 12 months, 12/3 = 4, 4×2=8 comics in a year). So unless any of you are prepared to expect only 6 more comics this year (as of the going rate), then don’t complain, because that’s most likely what we’re going to get. And Joe, take your own pace, but from my experience, I have seen many a great other authors who lost huge support over years as their updates began to dwindle to months at a time, until eventually, they stopped the webcomic completely. If it might benefit you, it would probably just be better to call a public hiatus until next year or a much further date (say, many months from now, like November) so that your current fans can know your not going to suddenly stop the comic or get impatient and leave knowing there is now a set date in which it will resume after visiting this site, and it’ll give you time to focus entirely on whatever you need to do right now.

10 years ago

Just an fyi avast is reporting a threat detection when navigating to the site again.

10 years ago

I have been a long time fan of The Pocalypse. I’ve read since the middle of 2011 and I still read today (just finished my second re-read, it’s so great and I can’t wait what happens next!) I know you have your own pace and you have a busy life, but just know that I and a ton of other people would really appreciate some sort of update schedule (whether it be once every two weeks or what) or the hiatus idea Wowzer presented. This story is absolutely amazing and the last thing I want to happen is for it to be forgotten through lack of updates. Of course, there are fans who will continue reading, like me, but I just hope you can put more time into this story when you’re able before it threatens to remain unfinished. To me, it seems like we’re entering a climax of sorts. You can taste the ending unfold but it still has some ways to go. This is a really bad place to be inactive, because readers in the future (also potential supporters of your games) will be sucked in and be really disappointed when they learn the last update was months upon months ago.
I hope everything is going fantastically on your end. Your skills are amazing and I’m so happy to be able to see and play this art online. I will continue to be a fan regardless of how slow the updates are, but I’ll also let you know how I feel. I just hope you will be able to find more time and give us more info on how your progress is going so we don’t feel lost and forgotten either.
Thanks, Joe.