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I’m sure you’ve heard the news about Steve Jobs’ death. Here’s hoping that he left this world knowing what an amazing legacy he left behind. Whether you enjoy Apple products or not, you can’t deny that Steve Jobs and his team changed the world of computers, for the better. As a Mac user myself (for only about 2 years), I have to say thanks for making everything I do a pleasant experience. I couldn’t make The Pocalypse without this MacBook Pro, wherever I am. Sure, I could use a Windows laptop, but I chose to switch to Mac and I have never regretted it and I don’t think I’ll ever go back.
So, I for one would like to thank Mr. Jobs for everything :D And, it’s not just the Apple products. I’m not one of those Apple fanboys that badmouths anything that doesn’t have an Apple logo on it. I like Windows just as much as Mac OS. I’m sure I could use an Android or Blackberry instead of an iPhone. I’m not one of those idiots who’s stupidly saying things like “Why wasn’t it Bill gates?” (Ugh, dumb-asses). My appreciation extends to the inspiration and example that Mr. Jobs gave to the world. I hope that when I’m 56, I’ll have affected the world as much as he did :D
Enjoy Scene 22 – “Not Just a House Plant”!
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Is it monsters at the door? or soldiers? or vamps? :S
and (lulz) did scrufflebeck “evolve”?
OOOOO, that looks cool, Huzzah, cant wait for the next :D
The Mutant Dog Probably didn’t die…
Scrufflebeck is in metamorphosis?
WHY JOE WHY?!? The only good member of that team up and you get him nomm’d
btw where is my joe keychain? :D
Evolving to level two…?
evolving into a plant mutant hybrid?
Is Scrufflebeck evolving into a gigantic big plant puppy?
And how come the wolf thing still lives?
People saying stuff like “why wasn’t it Bill Gates?” makes me wanna say “why wasn’t it you?” but that doesn’t matter.
I personally would never buy a MacBook. They’ve switched to ATI/AMD graphics, and they’re so damn overpriced. I use Ubuntu a lot, which, i may say improves the PC experience A LOT!
I use an Android phone and would never buy an Iphone, HOWEVER: I do recognize the amazing work Steve Jobs has done. It was him who put up the standard for smartphones. If it wasn’t for him all of us would still be brain damaged everyday by using windows mobile. He also did a lot of other things. Android/Google fanboys also have to respect the memory of Steve Jobs as he helped Android a lot Merely by making an awesome competitor.
Im actually anxious to see if the quality of Apple Products will fall with Jobs passing. I for one think that they might fall behind a bit.
Heres to Steve Jobs! May he rest in peace!
:S Don’t think plant puppies are meant to get wet or be fed after midday…
Here’s hoping a plant dog or a dozen plant puppies emerge from that pod!
wow this thing rocks.. i started reading this.. comics.. 1 day ago
It would be awesome to have halfplant people, but wouldn’t eating fruit become cannibalizing and abortion at that point?
Nooooo scrufflebeck!!!! Why you??? Why wasn’t it Dr. Dumb? =0(
That reminds me of Gremlins ^^.
Hell yeas. Scrufflebeck leveled up. I hope he evolves in time.
Please let it be a Plant-Cerberus Scrufflebeck…
This is what happens when you accidentally take in DNA from other species all the time. First you’re a plant, then you’re a plant puppy, and before you know it, you’re mimicking werewolves.
Go lil’ guy!
hmmm… scufflebeck was only obedient and playful because he was a plant that mimicked a dog. if the doh part died, then only a heartless monster is left right? how do we know it wont kill the doc (not that theirs a problem with that)… then again, if it mimics the werewolf-thing and somehow has memories, then its good right?
OOhhh, I like NeoWarriors idea, We want a Plant Cerberus!!!
Holly Molly! What? SCRUFFLEBECK is evolving! SCRUFFLEBECK evolved into…
Can’t wait to see it, please surprise us. Btw, nice words about Steve Jobs =)
“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
I wonder if Bill Gates is going to copy THIS,too. :D
Great episode. Scrufflebeck is just going to level up. And kill that freaking dog..
R.I.P Steve Jobs 1955-2011
“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” That is a quote I kept for myself and it was from Steve Jobs. I decides to kept it even before I know who wrote it. And I don’t have any apple products yet.
SCRUFFLEBECK NOOOOO!!!! That was very mean Joe. Please don’t let him get hurt again. He’s my favorite. I hope he’s okay and something bad didn’t happen because Dr. Herp Derp did something.
Steve Jobs was an amazing man and no one will ever surpass him.:( [BTW I’m not a fanboy I just wanted to say a few words.]
As everybody is putting it, they want schruffebeck to “evolve”. Like in the pokemon series, he’ll have one or two “evolutions”, he should keep the dog like figure, but be bigger and stronger. Plus he got bit, and maybe copied some that mutant dog’s strangths (just saying, dog bit dog, so stay as a dog). So schruff can shred that mutant to pieces. Thumbs up by me!! XD
Scrufflebeck evolved into metapod, so nick is screwed.
I knew Scrufflebeck would save him!
But I didn’t foresee the rest of it…
chapter 2 episode 2 –
‘George: “As you know some plant monsters are doppelgangers. These little guys must have been in close contact with dogs.”‘
…oh god…what if he comes out as a Plant-Joe??
ha. i nearly called it on the page before. okay so scrufflback diddn’t defeat the dog 100% but i was close enough with the easy part and that he would get hurt.
my guess is that the mutant dog still lives and is at the door. maybe scruff will get a second chance at him.
hmmmm a giant mutant dog as a reocurring villain, now that would be something.
Also about scruffleback evolving. i rather would have it the pokemon way were there just get bigger,then the digimon way were almost all the digimons in the highest lvls ended up looking like halfmachines or humans ,that always annoyed me a little in the series.
I like to eat scroggin
My guess? the thing at the door is also Scrufflebeck – little guy grew right through the floor, engulfed the house in plant-matter, and now he’s knocking on the door with a big leafy tentacle-branch!
hope scruffle beck dont die cuz he was awsome
who the hell is steve jobs?
Pokemon changed so much when they evolved
The whole point was that they go from cute to badass
That is why Pokemon is awesome and I hope it happens to Scrufflebeck