TLJ and Happy Holidays! | December 24, 2017

by Joe

Anyone else love The Last Jedi as much as I did (I guess a lot of people, judging by its reviews!)? It may be recency bias but I think it’s my favourite Star Wars movie :D SPOILERS!!!! >>>>> I’m glad they didn’t cater too much to fanfiction/service and made the story pretty unexpected (at least for me). I know some people are mad that Snoke died so easily and we didn’t get an “Emperor” character but isn’t that a good thing? They got rid of the Emperor early and left a whole movie for the more interesting and conflicted bad boss, Kylo Ren. I’m glad they didn’t reveal a Rey family relationship that would have to have some weird and awkward explanation (“Obi-wan is my grandfather? … Who is Obi-wan?”, etc). Granted, I’m thinking that the last movie will reveal something a little more about Rey’s past.

The effects were incredible, the acting was great, the space and lightsaber battles were awesome – even the whole casino part was… okay. One thing that actually left me a bit confused was the lightspeed kamikaze attack (which was visually jaw-dropping). Why don’t the Rebels (or even the First Order… anybody, really) just do that move every time? Take a cheap ship, let a droid take the wheel, and lightspeed into the Death Star. Problem solved. I wonder how they’re going to explain their way out of this for future space battles :D

Definitely recommend seeing it if you haven’t already!

From my family to yours, we want to wish you a safe, fun, and happy holidays! :D

Enjoy Scene 77 – “No Sob Stories”!

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7 years ago

Miss the target…

7 years ago

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to Joe and all! Thanks for another great year, and I’m so glad this is active again! A toast to even more scenes!

7 years ago

Please kick ass Aaron

7 years ago

*Please kick ass, Aaron!

7 years ago

Yes! The Last Jedi was my favorite as well. Let the past die!