You Guys Are Awesome :D | December 3, 2013

by Joe

As I was creating today’s scene, I had to look back on previous scenes to refresh my memory on the finer details of the story. I have to do this sometimes to avoid continuity problems like what a character was wearing or who a character has met before, etc. So, I went back to Scene 1 of this chapter and noticed that this chapter has been going on for OVER A YEAR! I knew that I’d been updating really slowly but it really hit me just then and I realized just how patient you guys have been waiting for updates. I find it amazing that, when I upload a scene, comment, tweet, or make a Facebook post, I STILL get a lot of feedback from those of you who have decided to stick around during this drought. I know I say this a lot but I really appreciate everyone who is reading this. You guys are awesome :D

It looks like the malware issue has been fixed :D I haven’t seen a notification or warning since my last post so I must’ve done something right! I’m pretty sure it wasn’t someone trying to attack the site. It’s more likely that it was malware that had infected my system and was able to inject malicious code to the site’s files through my FTP program, whenever I used it. So, if there’s anyone out there who is running their own site and doesn’t know much about this stuff (like me), please keep your system’s anti-virus and -malware programs updated and scan regularly :D You don’t wanna go through what I went through!

Enjoy Scene 20 – “We Will Need Him”!

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11 years ago

Wow, that long and for what? This. You are wasting my time Joe. I’m done, unsubscribed, un-book marked, whatever else I got you on. This was an amazing story and you are just dragging your ass while doing everything else except the only reason why I followed you to begin with.

You deserve whatever you get, I hope it’s bad.

11 years ago

Nice to see more updates from you, hopefully life allows you to make them more often. Continue this story and keep us on the edge of our seats!

11 years ago

@Jarmran – So much hate? It’s free Story – and a great one. I think i will never understand these haters.

Keep on good work Joe, if you have time :)

11 years ago

Jake you are awesome.

11 years ago

Awesome as usual :D
To reply to Jarman by the sound of it Joe is having a full and busy life, as a work personn and a family man, and yes he deserve all of it.

11 years ago

Jarman, whuck was that all about? I’d been following since the beginning and frankly it’s incredible, and oh yea it is free. Joe, haters are gonna hate. Go at your own pace, we who truly appreciate you will still be around. It’s important that you have fun with this and not have it become a chore.

Alfred Beat
Alfred Beat
11 years ago

It worth the wait… Please Joe do not take that much time to make another episode!

11 years ago

Don’t listen to Jarman, Joe, If you got RL things to take care of, don’t you worry.

11 years ago

Wow, *sshole much Jarman… I’ve personally waited far longer and for much worse than this before, I thought it was pretty good actually too. Looking forward to the next part. (Though I might need to reread the whole thing sooner or later, as memory can be a b*tch sometimes… a recap “episode” after a long hiatus wouldn’t hurt too)

11 years ago

Did Jarmen make that comment just because he wanted to go the opposite way as the patient fans mentioned in the post? I am done with Jarmen. Unsubscribed, un-book marked, whatever else I got Jarmen on. He was an amazing…. wauit, he is a nobody on the internet, one that nobody subscribed to, who cares what he thinks?

11 years ago

Excelent chapter we will be always patienly wait for your great scenes, of one of the most interesting and complex history ever.

11 years ago

I have to say, excellent episode, and I might be wrong…but that suit of armor in the end looked an awful lot like Bernie and Jess’ fathers armor…

11 years ago

Yo, Joe!

I realise you are busy and all, but i must admit i feel it’s rather hard keeping up with the comic with so much time between episodes, especially because the drama, and the emotional situations get to wait far too long. I’m happy to see that you haven’t forgotten the webcomic though.

I’m still a fan, but the story seems a bit watered out when such a long time pass between episodes. But i feel this is also a good time to say thanks for your work: you did inspire a friend and I to create a roleplaying system and universe, with which we’ve had a lot of fun.

I hope we’ll see shorter and shorter time between episodes, but whatever you do with your time: good luck, and God bless you and your family :)

11 years ago


11 years ago

Glad you are still updating. You managed to setup a great story and I do want to know how it all ends one day.

11 years ago

Fucking finally! Joe, I like your work, I really do, and I understand you are unable by Real Life to give work at a scheduled, but what pissed me off on the last two updates, was that you didnt update in over 2 months, and we had no promise for when to expect next chapter, and even then, you pulled out the dick move of 2 consecutive (schedule ambiguous) cliffhanger, and I did bitch about it, (my comment should still be there). But this time I will shit on you because, at the very least, you did not left us at a cliffhanger, thank you for not doing so.

11 years ago

@Joe I think that Jarman’s comment was actually a bad attempt (that backfired) at a comment that looks intentionally negative but is actually praising, like when you say “Wow, this was so bad, I totally don’t want to see another like one right now”
But I could be wrong of course and he is actually a pity troll. Who knows it for sure on the internet where Poe’s law is dominant and everything.

Not going to say
Not going to say
11 years ago

It’s not Ladened, it’s just Laden
(Sorry for Grammar Nazi, but…)

11 years ago

Hey Joe when is your next scene going to be up do you think?

11 years ago

@Shade No, that’s Doc’s armor, which DOES look an awful lot like Bernard Sr.
@Joe Good for you, glad to hear that you can look past the haters

11 years ago

Joe, I always check in, and keep the site on my fave bar. I am NOT ditching this comic yet, and I don’t think I will for a LONG time! :D Thanks for the update!

cola neck
cola neck
11 years ago

Hi Joe :) your story is awesome :) and so is the music :) I would like to have an album :) And I forgot the name of the soldier in the end :p

11 years ago

Hey Joe,
just to say, im a great supporter of the pocalpyse, its great and ur doing a good job, keep up the good work. Haters gotta hate, juz coz they cant make such a great story to satisfy themselves (y)

Hope all is well for u in RL!

peace! V^^

El Robo Bandit
El Robo Bandit
11 years ago

So either Doc is their dad, or that vampire at the end is…

11 years ago

Great work, Joe and one thing I noticed was that nobody’s posted on the forum in a long time and would like if we could get it active again.

11 years ago

This is the first time since I discover you web (episode 8) that I post smt. Gotte say that I understand jarman, while I would never put ir like he did (you are a really big dick with a small cock). I very much like your work joe, but it is anoying to have to wait this long for updates. You don’t have to make this comic, no-one is paying you, so we can’t demand anything from you. Just please, don’t take too much time, ’cause this story gives me the chills, and the spaced updates kinda wash it.
Keep on going, autor Joe!

Robert Nava
Robert Nava
11 years ago

Thank you for the new scene joe :)

11 years ago

Great work as always Author Joe! Your ability to make a cliff hanger last is without equal. All my best to you and yours this holiday season. I am going to beg jolly old St. Nick for an update before the new year. I figure leaving him a bottle of Booker’s and a fat joint next to the fireplace may sway him to see things my way.

Love your work Joe, may many more years of prosperity come your way with ease!

11 years ago

Thanks for the update, Joe. Is the new game still in the works?

Damian Dante
Damian Dante
11 years ago

God-fudging-dammit, I forget to check the site a couple days and now all this? DAMMIT.
Anyway, good job Author Joe, hope you doing alright. Teh comic will survive, somehow.

11 years ago

Aw felt like a short scene. Is that their dad at the end?

Thanks for the post Joe.

11 years ago

After reading some of the comments here (since I did not notice the armor in the last part of the scene) here is my guess: Smyth (the soldier who is now a vampire), as he’s being controlled by Victor and just got out of his cell inside Doc’s lab, is being driven by Victor himself towards Doc’s armor and is now wearing it, so that he’ll be able to go outside without turning into dust because of daylight. This can’t be good…

Also, thank you once again for giving us a new scene, Author Joe! Amazing as always :D

11 years ago

what’s the song at the end called?

Sir Henry Magnus
Sir Henry Magnus
11 years ago

Amazing work ! YOU COLD MAKE A MOVIE ! So much creativity…If I was somedirector I’d totally try to make this awesome history in a EPIC movie ! Ah,I need to re-read this all again someday,takes days to read the entire thing from the beginning…But I’d likely add a badass character with some dark title like Overlord Magnus as a alien or a elder vampire or something badass…he’d be more like a sith :D

11 years ago

where do you get this music Joe? I kinda am digging the song in this one. Plus I am worried that Jake is becoming more and more like Cross everyday, the man is not listening to reason nor taking things into priority…not to mention he’s being just plain mean >.<

11 years ago

Jarman, no need to be vocal about you leaving.
Especially considering this is NOT Joe’s bread and water.

11 years ago

Awesome work as always, author Joe! Thought it kinda takes a loooooong time for us to wait, it’s worth it! :D

11 years ago

Exelent Scene is to epic :D, but in how much time the pocalypse 2 go to web, u_u.

11 years ago

Joe, are you the one that makes all the music in this comic? and if you are, do you have a link to all the songs you have used?

11 years ago

I second the motion for a soundtrack.

11 years ago

YES! AN UPDATE! Thanks for not abandoning this, Joe. C: Keep up the good work!


lucas the fan
lucas the fan
11 years ago

nice chapter , short but well done as always .
and joe , keep the good work :)

11 years ago

yesssss…. Update! I really want to see when Jake tries to fire the gun and is blasted away because of the aftershock of Doc’s weapon. No way Doc gave it away willingly without tampering with it “just in case”.

On the other hand, now Doc’s strongest weapon is in the hands of a hate-fueled militant (second worst type of person to hold a weapon of mass-destruction) {the worst would be a psychopath, Cross}

11 years ago

Well, glad I finally managed to catch up. Didn’t take as long as I hoped it would, but I fully understand the reason behind it. Life “afk” should always take precedence over things which can wait, and, as with all real fans, we are things that can wait.
Sad to see Jake taking steps toward becoming the next Cross. Fortunately, he minds the chain of command much better than his predecessor, and his actions are fueled more by grief and lack of trust born from secrets than Cross’s blind lust for power. His story is… intriguing.
Greybane is awesome. That’s all I have to say about Greybane.
Victor/”Inner Joe”/Smyth… I can’t help but simultaneously hate and feel bad for him. Victor/”Inner Joe” doesn’t know who he is, and is essentially a parasite in a body he thought was his, with memories of a life he never really knew. Smyth, on the other hand, knows who he is/was, and hates that he’s now a vampire (or, possibly, a hybrid, which seems more likely, given the facial deformity), taking Doc’s suit to cover his new face. A rather tormented character, but he’s a jerk. His actions definitely justify the fact that the Victor/”Inner Joe” side was tormented. Smyth, though, doesn’t deserve that.
Annika and Joe being siblings… I sort of saw it coming. I’m not going to say I knew exactly how it would happen, but the instant she had a brother whose name wasn’t revealed, I knew it would happen. I just sort of wish it would have happened in a different, non-traumatic/lethal way.
Andy and Cross… I have very few good things to say about them. They know how to accomplish what they set out to do. I’m still waiting for Cross to kill Andy. It’ll happen. Probably not until they reach Europe, but it’ll happen. Cross will become a Zompire Warlord, then get cocky, head back to North America, and forget about the difference in time-zones or something stupid like that. Either that, or he’ll be happy with having Europe under his boot, and leave the rest of the world alone. First situation is more likely, and it’d be quite a bit more humourous.
Doc and Pals are going to be the single force that brings humanity back from the brink of destruction. Doubly so when they meet up with Greybane. Not “if”. When. Greybane is a strong enough mind for Sam to co-inhabit… unless his physical brain is his preferred “body”.

Peya Luna
Peya Luna
11 years ago

YES! you just made my day – now if only you´ll give us another one for christmas….i already love that they head back to base, i missed that location! and i´m not giving up on annika yet either, who knows what samuel learned in those experiments with bernie´s dad plus she´s just too valuable to the plot. as for docs weapon, i´m confident that the sly old fox has a safety on it so that jake won´t be able to run amok with it….and that poor unfortunate soldier in the ned seems to be trapped in the dream-sphere while victor has taken over his body – and stolen docs suit. crud!

11 years ago

I have to admit that I check this comic once a month. But I am still looking forward to each new episode.

11 years ago

Ha ha, oh man.
Certainly worth the wait!
Although I would rather not to wait, if I had the choice. ;)

Keep up the good work, (author) Joe!

11 years ago

Ohhhhhhh sh*t he got out…